Well I am struggling with that awesome feat of what to buy my mother for Mother's Day. I have been searching the Internet for ideas and I even called my sister. I have finally come up with three idea but not sure which is going to be the most popular. First we have jane iredale makeup . Always popular with my mom however I have gotten her it in the past so I may lose out on some creativity points. So given that I search ebay and Amazon for a new laptop bag for her brand new Mac she just bough...
I read this great story this morning about trying to hide your digital identity. The fact is that if someone really wants to track you down it is very possible into days age. The interview a guy who helps make you disapear unlike most who are trying to track down dead beat people. If you want to read the article you can go here .
So I am happy to announce that my aunt is finally coming home from Iraq and we are throwing her a huge party this weekend. A lot of family from out of town is coming in and everyone is bringing gifts. Our family decided to pull all our money together to buy her a few nice gifts. My mom suggested we get her one of those military rings that are very popular. It kind of looks like a high school ring if you ever owned one of those. She served in the navy so logically we ordered her a this one . W...
I read a very interesting article this morning about how people are hiding their Facebok pages from potential employers. The report states that over 70% of all hiring managers in the U.S. have looked online for for additional information on a candidate. Several people interviewed for the article said it shouldn't matter what their personal life looks like when it comes to hiring them. In some ways this seems like invasion of privacy but if your doing stupid things on the weekends then there is ...
I have been tasked with helping my best friend market his company. This is not a paid gig so it only getting a few hours of my time a week. I been through the college marketing classes and I know what the text books say but in a word of social media I feel like those books are out dated. There are several courses one can take today to get the word out there about their company and I am wondering which is the best for the cost. My friend is selling a service not a product. Everything is online th...
Oh JoeUsers where do I start with the Health Care Bill. I am going to keep this short because I could go on and on about how this is bad for our country. Why do we think that the government is going to get this right. There are so few reforms they can point to and say this is doing healthy and not add to our national debt. I understand they have to try but this really feels like the Democrats are trying to push their agenda and the Republicans are just trying to create a mess. Is anyone really f...
I took a little trip over to the hospital a few days ago after I learned that my friend was at the hospital having his first son. I wanted to get there before the baby was born so I rushed to pick my wife up from work and then headed straight for the hospital. We were greeted by a nurse wearing petite scrubs who showed us the way to the room. This hospital is huge and without her I am not sure how we would ever have found the room. My friends wife was still in labor when we got there. My wife pr...
I like having unique things in my house. We have recently been looking at new homes but have yet to move. My wife and I have traveled the world and have collected things for many years. Each room in our current house is decorated with stuff you can't buy in the U.S. However, the one room that we have yet to decorate is our bathroom. It's that room that just doesn't have a lot of room in it to begin with. Recently, we wanted to spruce it up a little and make it more inviting. We knew w...
Do you own any tasers ? I don't but I know many do along with most cops out there these days. I saw this article this morning and it caught my eye. It's well written and makes several good points about the dangers of these weapons. On the flip side I think it better than taking a bullet. I am for tasers as long as its one of the last resorts. Where do you fall with using tasers. Good, bad or indifferent?
I am a pretty big advocate of recycling. We do it here in our own home and I even go to the length of bring stuff home when I know its not going to get recycled at an event. I am not one of those crazy the world is completely falling apart and recycling is going to fix everything type of guys but I do believe in taking care of what God has given us. That being said I read a disturbing article this morning about how little the airlines are doing to recycle. The average passenger leaves behind 1....
I have been doing a lot of studying on tea and the history behind it. I have had a long obsession with tea but only recently wanted to better understand the benefits behind drinking tea. I took a trip to Malaysia last year where I was first educated in matters that concern tea. The other day was inspired to look further into it so I started by search for information on the internet. Wiki had a lot and so did a few other sites. I also watched several video on youtube including this one. I learn...